Guest Blog Post: Women Empowerment: My Grandmother’s Unbreakable Legacy by Nathalie Gregg

Screaming happy birthday to my favorite girl: My grandmother!

There will always be an unbreakable bond between me and my maternal grandmother!

Rilla Burch McDonald is still my first mentor in Women’s Empowerment! In a world full of countless role models, she still stands out above the rest and I am so grateful!

She was my first playmate as well as my first mentor! She was fierce, determined, and resilient and she never accepted no for an answer!

Our days were full of reading, making dinner, and having countless conversations about the world’s issues with her girlfriends. There were always flowers on the table and we enjoyed coffee in the morning and Constant Comment tea in the evenings.

My television consumption consisted of the news, Sesame Street, and occasionally Soul Train on the weekends so that she could complain about their lack of clothing!

My grandmother and I would spend countless hours playing with my Barbie Dream House, airplane, and camper because Barbie gave me the courage to dream!

Barbie’s boardroom was the camper table. They would have meetings to discuss how they were going to host events to benefit the community.

This is one of the first glimpses at the role that sex segregated play and women’s empowerment would play in my leadership journey.

Her strength, wisdom, and her unwavering support continues to fan the flames of my heart and soul!

1. Breaking stereotypes: Shattering how the world experienced women was her specialty! She proved that a woman could be anything that she desires caring, gentle, tenacious, kind, and progressive.

2. Embracing education: She understood the meaning of education in a woman’s life! It gives us options! She was always learning, reading, and growing and empowering me to do the same!

3. A dynamic legacy: Although she is no longer with me, her incredible spirit burns bright! She would always tell me that “don’t ever let a man tell you there is something that you cannot do!”

Grandmother was not just a mentor but a beacon of light that continues to illuminate my world!

Her story is a testament that women have the power to inspire, lead, and transform our world! I honor her as I continue to champion #womenled & #womenowned!

May this tribute encourage you to be a mentor and find other mentors who believe what you believe! So that we can continue to embody #LeadLoudly! Live bold, confident, and fearless!