Earlier this year, I adopted a vision statement (thank you, Paru Radia!): “A world where all women thrive.” Every day, I try to be true to that vision.
With that in mind, I dedicate today’s The Midpoint Blog post to my friend and fellow Chief, Jennie Blumenthal! This evening, I will be at the Chief clubhouse in NYC to celebrate the launch of Jennie’s new book, Corporate Rehab: Ditch the Hustle Culture and Thrive Again.
The book, like Jennie herself, advocates a proactive approach. The book is not an attack on corporate America. The book does not discourage hard work. Instead, it is a roadmap to living a happy and fulfilling life, either inside corporate America or otherwise.
Among the many topics that Jennie tackles are: ,
- How the hustle culture can keep us trapped and disconnected from our own needs.
- How to do your own Corporate Rehab: Recognize, Evaluate, Heal, Arise and Build.
- The critical ingredients for leaders to thrive in Corporate America.
Jennie created the framework discussed in her book from personal experience and the experiences of the 300 women that she interviewed, who realized something was not working about the way they were working.
Jennie was an executive in corporate America for 20 years, counseling Fortune 500 companies on growth strategy and digital transformation. Like many of us, she needed a change from corporate America during a time she has named “the pandemic pivot.” So, as part of her recovery from the 24/7 hustle culture, she formed her own business, Corporate Rehab. Through coaching, Jennie helps executive women do their own “Corporate Rehab” and grow in their existing careers or new opportunities.
I met Jennie earlier this year when we worked on a project about women reinventing themselves post-pandemic. But it was not until after working on this project with her that I appreciated what she was building. And wow – let me tell you – she has taken the bull by its horns between March and today. The amount of purposeful content and activity she has generated in such a short time both blows me away and inspires me.
Jennie’s personal story resonates with me deeply. I suspect many of us were reevaluating our lives during “the pandemic pivot” – just as Jennie was. The pandemic stole certainty and normalcy from us, but it did provide us with a break from hustle culture. It provided us with the time to reassess and re-order our priorities, which is something I would never have done otherwise. We all want to thrive, not just survive. And Jennie teaches us how to do just that!
For sure, today’s post is not my typical content and is intended to promote Jennie and her book. But the content is still very personal for me. It is me living my vision.
So today, my blog post is about amplifying Jennie Blumenthal on her special day and ensuring she thrives. If I have learned anything in the past year, it is just how powerful women can be when we work together and support each other. Get ready world. HERE. WE. COME.
Congrats Jennie! I am so proud of you!
If you would like to support Jennie and my vision of a world where all women thrive, her book is available now on Amazon: Amazon.com: Corporate Rehab: Ditch The Hustle Culture And Thrive Again eBook : Blumenthal, Jennie: Kindle Store.