When I first decided to help female entrepreneurs with their legal issues, I knew it was my passion. I never want other women to feel alone. I want other women to know that they always have support.
Years ago, I mentioned to a family member that I did many things alone as a kid without help. He responded that I was always so strong and independent that I never needed help.
I have heard similar comments from others over the years, but I only recently gave the idea any significant thought. Finally, after spending so many months thinking about it, a lightbulb went off for me: even if I did not need help, I still wanted help. It is lonely doing everything yourself – even if you can. It boils down to the primal need that I previously discussed: everyone wants to be seen and heard.
My new endeavor is my way of making other women feel seen and heard. It is my way of saying, “You do not need to ask for my help. I see you and hear you anyway. I support you no matter what. You do not have to be alone. Like I have been.”
Acknowledging these feelings was an important moment of self-awareness. And it led to another realization: perhaps no one thought to give me help, but I also never asked for it. I did not want people to view me as weak, and I believed strong people did things alone. I consider myself strong and independent. But now I know that even strong and independent people like hugs and words of encouragement now and then.
I want all women to know that they are strong and independent, but I also want them to know that being strong and independent does not have to mean doing it alone. Asking for help is not only okay but also sometimes necessary to be our best selves.
At one time, I thought the only place for me was a world where I could always say, “I got this.” But I have realized a world where “together, we got this” is where I am meant to be.