I woke up last week to a realization: I was in a bit of a funk. It snuck up on me. I had not noticed that I was gradually losing some energy, enthusiasm, and positivity.
The “why” is much less important than my understanding that something was happening: I was starting to lose perspective. Also significant is the self-realization that I was negatively impacting myself. That is not what I wanted. I want something better for myself.
Regaining perspective is a form of self-regulation. It is not necessarily something that comes naturally. Instead, it is a thoughtful process that requires reflection and a willingness to adjust.
So what did I do to regain perspective and refocus on being the person I wanted to be? I stopped. I cleared my day. I took time to reset, refocus, and reprioritize. I let myself feel the sun’s warmth on my face, literally and figuratively. I journaled. I re-started my practice of beginning each day with positive affirmations. I exercised until my body and mind reached equilibrium. I forgave myself for inadvertently taking a detour and for not being perfect.
And then I began again.
This week’s blog is short and not what I had planned. So instead, I share my bump in the road because we all need an occasional reminder that it is appropriate to stop and assess when we feel lost. That pause provides us with the ability to course correct.
One of the most beautiful things about life is that we can always choose to change our paths. We can always choose to improve. We can always choose a different future.
And together, we got this.